Mountaineering in Teller County, Colorado
The climbing of mountains for sport, usually incorporating the skills of rock climbing and climbing on ice.
By definition, mountaineering in Teller County is a natural. Just look around the county. Everywhere you look you'll view another peak to conquer and of course there's Pikes Peak, the second most visited mountain in the world!
Many people don't realize the sheer number of mountain formations found in Teller County. Even at the height of summer, there are crevices along the northernmost faces of these formations that will be packed by ice. Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep call these areas home but are happy to share them with you!
Mountaineering can be an exciting, interesting, yet dangerous activity. In Teller County the rugged terrain is only one of the things that can be dangerous. With the summer heat also comes summer thunderstorms. Lightning storms and flash floods are real and do occur regularly. However, keeping aware of your surrounding weather conditions and respecting your safety, will allow you to explore some of the most beautiful and rugged scenery in Colorado.
Teller County mountains are used by thousands of individuals every year to test their mountaineering skills while taking in some of the most breathtaking views in America. Fort Carson soldiers and the Air Force Academy cadets use the area for the skills training they will need when stationed across the world.
Besides the immediate Pikes Peak region, the Devil's Head and Devils Playground areas are two popular locations to test your mountaineering skills.